Lunch With Girlfriends …

As women, we’ve always valued our friendships with other women.

As baby boomer women, those friendships become ever more precious.

We’ve spent what seems like a lifetime caring for others, sometimes at great expense to ourselves, and we’ve devoted countless hours and years to careers. Now it’s YOUR time.

In generations past, it was called retirement, and you had a few more good years to enjoy what was left of your life. For us, it’s just a beginning, or better, an encore. It’s what comes next because we all know slowing down is not in the cards.

This post is a little different from others in that I’m sharing something that came across my feed this week, and it is so appropriate to who we are as baby boomer women and the lives we’re living now. It’s a piece by Kathy O’Malley called Lunch With Girlfriends:

Elaine’s vertigo has never been worse

Kay can’t recall where she left her purse

Rhonda’s about to replace her knees

Linda’s breathing is tinged with a wheeze

Donna’s left boob has a troublesome lump

Diane’s on her third trip to take a dump

Lorraine’s husband can’t remember a thing

Nine years a widow, Marge still wears her ring

Marlene is dealing with another UTI

Sally’s giving a hearing aid another try

Marie has decided she can’t drive at night

Sharon still wears clothes two sizes too tight

They’ve been through divorces and babies and wakes

They do for each other whatever it takes

They’ve already buried Marcia and Kate

And truthfully, Lizzie’s not looking so great

So whenever they can, they get out to eat

Open bottles of wine and forget their sore feet

There’s laughing and crying and letting down guards

And when the bill comes, there’s ten credit cards

So here’s to the waiters who keep orders straight

And to the places that let lunches run three hours late

And here’s to the girlfriends, those near and those far

Here’s to the girlfriends, you know who you are!!!

When work is done, and you’re into the “what’s next” questions, the one thing that needs to remain constant is your bond with friends. They will carry you through the tough times, help you weather the storms, and celebrate with you, even when there’s nothing to celebrate.

Women need other women. Do you remember the book (and subsequent movie) Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood? That is precisely what I’m talking about. And it doesn’t have to be ten women at lunch like in the poem. It can be three women – three who are there for each other in all things.

The bottom line is we need connection to each other, whatever that looks like for you. Find your Ya-Ya’s and cherish them every day.

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Experience the joy of connecting, sharing, and growing with like-minded women in our exclusive Facebook group tailored for baby boomer women in their encore years. Let’s build a network that thrives on shared experiences and collective wisdom. Join us at Your Encore is Now Facebook Group and let’s travel this path together.

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