Lunch With Girlfriends …

As women, we’ve always valued our friendships with other women. As baby boomer women, those friendships become ever more precious. We’ve spent what seems like a lifetime caring for others, sometimes at great expense to ourselves, and we’ve devoted countless hours and years to careers. Now it’s YOUR time. In generations past, it was called retirement, and you had a few more good years to enjoy what was left of…

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Making Meaningful Connections with Anyone

As boomer women, social connections can be more challenging, especially after we’ve left our jobs. You’ve left your network behind, and you’re starting fresh and new. So now what? You have the power to make meaningful connections with people in your life — whether it’s a neighbor, coworker, or someone you want a deeper relationship with. It can be easier than you think. Use these steps as you step out…

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Introducing: The Joy-Q Survey

I’ve been working on this for a while, and finally, we’re ready for prime time! Because joy can be an elusive topic for so many of us, I wanted to create a tool you can use to look at your life and get a clearer picture of how joy is already showing up for you and where joy can use a boost. And it is just that, a tool —…

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Joyful Exploration: Mapping Self-Discovery

A Captivating Conversation on Joy and Fulfillment … In a recent episode of Randy Haveson’s podcast “Becoming Your Own BFF”, I had the honor of joining him for a thought-provoking discussion on the transformative power of joy and self-discovery. As the creator of the Joy Test™ and a Master Coach dedicated to helping individuals unlock their full potential, I was thrilled to share my insights and experiences with Randy’s audience.…

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10 Tips to Joy Through Social Connection

Something different this week. Making connections in your encore years can be a challenge for many women. It’s not like you have a ready-made community in an office. You have to do it yourself. So where to start? Here are ten tips to give you some ideas and begin creating your Joyful Encore:   Engage in community events or special-interest groups. Meeting people with similar hobbies and shared interests creates…

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Transformation Through Connection

If you’re feeling pressed for time, give more of it away. Sounds like an oxymoron, I know. But it’s true. (You’ve heard the saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy woman,” right? That’s true, too.) Studies show that helping others makes you feel like you have more time for yourself. In research done at The Wharton School, participants were divided into two groups. One group did…

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Joyful Living Through Deep Connections

How do you define friendship? I’m sure you have people who qualify more as acquaintances than friends. We all do. These people are important and provide value in some way, but they’re not the first people you think about when considering the deep friendships you’ve made. You experience the most fulfillment and true joy when you connect deeply with others, whether they’re friends, family members, or intimate partners. Here are…

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Your Lifeline is Your Connection

For the next month, I will explore and talk about connection and community. It’s one of the things that women like us miss most once we transition out of the 9 to 5 lifestyle and into our encore. It’s also one thing that makes the difference between living a life of joy and fulfillment and one of boredom and feeling alone. You have a community and social connection when you…

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