Animals Are Great Judges Of Character

Animals are my guides.

I’ve learned to trust my boys when it comes to people. They are far more perceptive than I ever was.

I’d take Joey, our first fluffer butt, on walks around the neighborhood every morning. He was such a friendly little guy and usually liked everybody we met. Until we ran into an older man across the street from us.

Joey was having nothing to do with him and would bark up a storm every time the man was out.

We learned to avoid that corner.

Now, I don’t know if there was something bad or evil about the guy. He might have been an animal hater (which is enough reason to avoid him in my book).

It didn’t really matter. The fact that Joey didn’t like him was enough for me.

He’s reacted the same way to only 2 people we’ve had in our home. It’s not uncommon for our boys to greet visitors with barks and wagging tails. They always calm down and become pals with our friends … except when they don’t.

With all the people we’ve entertained in 25+ years, only two were rejected by any of our boys. Their instincts proved to be right and those two people have never been back.

I’m comfortable trusting my boys.

Coaching Lesson:

We can learn much from our four-legged furry friends. Watch how your animals respond to people. Pay attention to what they’re saying about people. They have instincts they’re not afraid to act on. Learn from them to pay attention to your own instincts – your gut. Notice the body signals you get around some people – good and bad. Like your animals, your instincts are usually right.

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