What You Can Get Paid For: Redefining Rewards in Your Encore Years For Women 59+ (Part 4 of 4)

As you approach the stage of life where you may be stepping away from the workforce, the concept of “getting paid” takes on a new and broader meaning. In the context of Ikigai, this final element isn’t solely about monetary reward. It’s about fulfillment, personal satisfaction, and how you can contribute and receive value. We’ve…

Leveraging What You’re Good At: A Guide For Women 59+ (Part 3 of 4)

The journey towards retirement or slowing down in business doesn’t have to mean leaving behind what you’ve built over the years. Your talents, skills, and what you’re good at can become the cornerstone of an enriching and fulfilling encore. We’ve already explored passion and mission. This blog post delves into the vocation element — recognizing…

Unretire: Your Encore Awaits

Traditionally, retirement is associated with an end, a finale to the vibrant song of your working life. However, retirement doesn’t signal a quiet fade-out for today’s accomplished women approaching this phase. Instead, it begins a thrilling “encore” performance, brimming with the promise of new adventures and meaningful pursuits. Here’s how to take the first steps…